Just not to leave this hanging...

The problem has nothing to do with ChenilleKit nor with Tapestry - it is
Jetty related. I run the application in the command line (mvn jetty:run) in
Friday and forgot about it. Then I ran another instance within Eclipse, but
the browser was still responding to the first instance.

Can Jetty (or Jetty maven plugin) be configured not to start if the port
(8080) is already in use? It is easy to start more than one instance of web
app with Jetty on the same port. I am developing on Windows.


2011/1/10 Borut Bolčina <borut.bolc...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> just now I tried to use the TabSet component from chenillekit-tapestry
> 1.3.0 with Tapestry 5.2.4. I am getting this
> Unable to resolve 'chenillekit/TabSet' to a component class name.
> When my application starts, it prints the available components and TabSet
> is one of them:
> chenillekit/TabSet: org.chenillekit.tapestry.core.components.TabSet
> and
> ck/TabSet: org.chenillekit.tapestry.core.components.TabSet
> I even looked inside the manifest of the chenillekit-tapestry jar and it
> seems ok.
> The error page however does not list the ck components:
> org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.util.UnknownValueException
> Unable to resolve 'chenillekit/TabSet' to a component class name.
> availableValues
> Component types:
>    - ActionLink
>    - AddRowLink
>    - AjaxFormLoop
>    - Any
>    - BeanDisplay
>    - BeanEditForm
>    - BeanEditor
>    - Checkbox
>    - DateField
>    - Delegate
>    - Error
>    - Errors
>    - EventLink
>    - ExceptionDisplay
>    - Form
>    - FormFragment
>    - FormInjector
>    - Grid
>    - GridCell
>    - GridColumns
>    - GridPager
>    - GridRows
>    - Hidden
>    - If
>    - Label
>    - Layout
>    - LinkSubmit
>    - Loop
>    - Output
>    - OutputRaw
>    - PageLink
>    - Palette
>    - PasswordField
>    - ProgressiveDisplay
>    - PropertyDisplay
>    - PropertyEditor
>    - Radio
>    - RadioGroup
>    - RemoveRowLink
>    - RenderObject
>    - Select
>    - Submit
>    - SubmitNotifier
>    - TextArea
>    - TextField
>    - TextOutput
>    - Trigger
>    - Unless
>    - Zone
>    - cay/EntityField
>    - cay/Select
>    - cay/ToManyViewer
>    - cay/ToOneEditor
> I am including the component library like:
>         <dependency>
>             <groupId>org.chenillekit</groupId>
>             <artifactId>chenillekit-tapestry</artifactId>
>             <version>1.3.0</version>
>         </dependency>
> Any ideas?
> Regards,
> Borut

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