I'd be stunned and surprised if your second instance was able to start
on the same port. Try to do this intentionally and you should get a
"port already in use" error on the second instance, is it possible you
didn't notice the error? This isn't a Jetty thing, it's an OS thing,
or more specifically TCP stack thing.


On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 6:46 AM, Borut Bolčina <borut.bolc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Just not to leave this hanging...
> The problem has nothing to do with ChenilleKit nor with Tapestry - it is
> Jetty related. I run the application in the command line (mvn jetty:run) in
> Friday and forgot about it. Then I ran another instance within Eclipse, but
> the browser was still responding to the first instance.
> Can Jetty (or Jetty maven plugin) be configured not to start if the port
> (8080) is already in use? It is easy to start more than one instance of web
> app with Jetty on the same port. I am developing on Windows.
> -Borut
> 2011/1/10 Borut Bolčina <borut.bolc...@gmail.com>
>> Hi,
>> just now I tried to use the TabSet component from chenillekit-tapestry
>> 1.3.0 with Tapestry 5.2.4. I am getting this
>> Unable to resolve 'chenillekit/TabSet' to a component class name.
>> When my application starts, it prints the available components and TabSet
>> is one of them:
>> chenillekit/TabSet: org.chenillekit.tapestry.core.components.TabSet
>> and
>> ck/TabSet: org.chenillekit.tapestry.core.components.TabSet
>> I even looked inside the manifest of the chenillekit-tapestry jar and it
>> seems ok.
>> The error page however does not list the ck components:
>> org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.util.UnknownValueException
>> Unable to resolve 'chenillekit/TabSet' to a component class name.
>> availableValues
>> Component types:
>>    - ActionLink
>>    - AddRowLink
>>    - AjaxFormLoop
>>    - Any
>>    - BeanDisplay
>>    - BeanEditForm
>>    - BeanEditor
>>    - Checkbox
>>    - DateField
>>    - Delegate
>>    - Error
>>    - Errors
>>    - EventLink
>>    - ExceptionDisplay
>>    - Form
>>    - FormFragment
>>    - FormInjector
>>    - Grid
>>    - GridCell
>>    - GridColumns
>>    - GridPager
>>    - GridRows
>>    - Hidden
>>    - If
>>    - Label
>>    - Layout
>>    - LinkSubmit
>>    - Loop
>>    - Output
>>    - OutputRaw
>>    - PageLink
>>    - Palette
>>    - PasswordField
>>    - ProgressiveDisplay
>>    - PropertyDisplay
>>    - PropertyEditor
>>    - Radio
>>    - RadioGroup
>>    - RemoveRowLink
>>    - RenderObject
>>    - Select
>>    - Submit
>>    - SubmitNotifier
>>    - TextArea
>>    - TextField
>>    - TextOutput
>>    - Trigger
>>    - Unless
>>    - Zone
>>    - cay/EntityField
>>    - cay/Select
>>    - cay/ToManyViewer
>>    - cay/ToOneEditor
>> I am including the component library like:
>>         <dependency>
>>             <groupId>org.chenillekit</groupId>
>>             <artifactId>chenillekit-tapestry</artifactId>
>>             <version>1.3.0</version>
>>         </dependency>
>> Any ideas?
>> Regards,
>> Borut

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