
and the only way would be to override the service as a whole
>> (reinstantiating it and setting it up all). :(
> You can decorate or advise it instead.

I thought that decorating and/or advising the service just to change a
property was a bit of over-design, but I guess it would work, sure.

 would it smell a lot if I ask tapestry for the instance of that service in
>> some "startup" point of my AppModule and set that property to my required
>> value?
Tapestry-IoC doesn't provide any way to get the original, non-proxied
> service implementation.
> You can contribute a Runnable implementation to the RegistryStartup service
> to do anything you want just after the registry was started.

Thanks, I think that would be the place to put the property change on
startup.. didn't knew about that!


On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 10:44 AM, Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo <> wrote:

> On Tue, 25 Jan 2011 11:33:16 -0200, Nicolas Barrera <>
> wrote:
>  Hi Thiago,
> Hi, Nicolas!
>  Ok, so as the 3rd party library's Service isn't implemented receiving some
>> Configuration, then I can't Contribute to it...
> Can't you ask the author to add this as a configuration?
>  and the only way would be to override the service as a whole
>> (reinstantiating it and setting it up all). :(
> You can decorate or advise it instead.
>  would it smell a lot if I ask tapestry for the instance of that service in
>> some "startup" point of my AppModule and set that property to my required
>> value?
> Tapestry-IoC doesn't provide any way to get the original, non-proxied
> service implementation.
> You can contribute a Runnable implementation to the RegistryStartup service
> to do anything you want just after the registry was started.
> --
> Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo
> Consultor, desenvolvedor e instrutor em Java, Tapestry e Hibernate
> Coordenador e professor da Especialização em Engenharia de Software com
> Ênfase em Java da Faculdade Pitágoras
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