Geez Lance, thanks for checking it out further, hope you had a pleasant weekend.

Are you serious with that's all that has to happen + a parameter i guess?
I read the source code and was tempted by it's length - and yes it doesn't look 
too hard, but you've seriously taken it to easy-ville!!
Especially by tacking on the droppable context like that...

For my own prototyping (not the js library) I have gone back down my custom js 

I'm yet to fully comprehend where I can go by implementing the zonedroppable 
context - or whether I just stick to custom js.
Thanks heaps for your follow up, I will sit on it for a day or two whilst I 
muck around with some related code :)


On 16/04/2012, at 7:13 PM, Lance Java wrote:

> Hi Chris, the ZoneDroppable mixin is only a few lines of code
> You could quite easily create another mixin by copying/tweaking the code or
> better yet, clone the repository and send a pull request to the author :)
> The following line is what fires the AJAX event on your page
>   resources.triggerEvent(JQueryEventConstants.DROP, context, callback);
> You could change the line of code to something like:
>   Object[] concatenatedContext = concatenateArrays(context,
> this.droppablecontext);
>  resources.triggerEvent(JQueryEventConstants.DROP, concatenatedContext,
> callback);
> Cheers,
> Lance.

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