Thanks for the response.
I tried what you described. The functionality works. But, even though the
event handler function of the submit button "bookTrade" returns other some
page, I have an impression that it is an ajax form submit. This is because
on using the object  Request defined in the java file, i see that the
.isXHR() returns always true.

What I want is that the "bookTrade" button should submit the page normally,
and there should not be any ajax animations.

Page in TML
<div t:type="zone" t:id="formZone">
<form class="creationForm" t:zone="formZone" t:type="form"
t:id="orderClaculateValue" method="post"><t:errors />
<input t:type="textfield" t:id="price" t:value="price"/>
<input t:type="textfield" t:id="quantity" t:value="quantity" />
<input t:type="textfield" t:id="amount" t:value="amount" t:size="5"/>
<input t:type="textfield" t:id="counterparty" t:value="counterparty" />
<input t:type="Submit" t:id="calculate" value="Calculate"/>
<input t:id="bookTrade" value="Finalise" t:type="submit"/>

private OrderFinalise orderFinalisePage;

private Submit calculate;

private Submit bookTrade;

private Zone formZone;

private Request request;

void onSelectedFromBookTrade() {
        formEventReturn = orderFinalisePage; // go to AnotherPage

void onSelectedFromCalculate() {
        amount = quantity * price;
        formEventReturn = formZone.getBody(); // stay on this page
Object onSuccessFromOrderClaculateValue() {
            //   return formZone.getBody(); // AJAX request, return zone body
            //  return orderFinalisePage; // non-AJAX request, redraw current 
           return formEventReturn;  



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