Well this doesnt work as designed/documented

Customized tapestry-model templates

If you don't customize anything, Tynamo uses default pages. In 
Tapestry, a component (a page is a component as well) is comprised of 
two parts: its template and a backing java class. There's a default page
 for each particular operation, such as: Add, Edit, List and Show. The 
archetype will put the Java page classes to src/main/java/<groupid>/pages and 
the corresponding templates to /src/main/webapp.
 The cool thing about this is that you can also customize the default 
look and feel of a page for an operation type. Most of the cases, 
however, you want to customize a page specific for a particular object.

Tynamo makes decisions about what page to display based on which kind
 of page is needed and the class of the object(s) involved. It will 
first look for a page using Add, Edit, Show or List depending on the 
kind of page needed, prefixed with the unqualified-type name of the 
object. If it can't find a specific page for a given type, it will 
instead use the default Add, Edit, Show or List page, respectively. The 
following table gives some examples of how Tynamo figures out which page
 to use:

 Look for page: 
 If not found, use page: 




To start customizing a page, make a copy of the appropriate default 
page files and rename according the the table above. Most of the UI 
customization happens in the corresponding .tml template. Keep in mind 
that a Tapestry template is more or less just a html page with selected 
additional tags starting with <t:some-tapestry-element> that will 
be replaced by Tapestry components (which can be comprised of other 
templates and so forth). Read Tapestry's template guide for more comprehensive 

The typical customization needed for edit forms is that you want to 
render something else for a specific field but you are fine with other 
defaults. Property Editor Overrides
 are exactly for that purpose, see the linked documentation for exact 
examples. If we wanted to, we could replace the Form component entirely 
and create a new form from scratch using standard Tapestry components.
activate handler is never invoked.
I will generate a new project and try again but if I dont succeed I will file a 
jira ?
Edit customization is what fails.


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