Can anyone add to this module to make it a custom edit ?

It is currently a custom edit as it sits in my build but I cannot get the 
activate handler to execute.

And blue in the face

public class MyDomainObjectEdit
    private ContextValueEncoder contextValueEncoder;

    private Messages messages;

    private PersistenceService persistenceService;

    private DescriptorService descriptorService;

    private PageRenderLinkSource pageRenderLinkSource;

    @Property(write = false)
    private Class beanType = MyDomainObject.class;

    private Object bean;

    Object activate(Class clazz, String id)

        if (clazz == null)
            return Utils.new404(messages);

        this.bean = contextValueEncoder.toValue(clazz, id);
        this.beanType = clazz;

        if (bean == null)
            return Utils.new404(messages);

        return null;

    void cleanup()
        bean = null;
        beanType = null;

     * This tells Tapestry to put type & id into the URL, making it
     * bookmarkable.
    Object[] passivate()
        return new Object[]
        { beanType, bean };

    Link success()
        return back();

    Link back()
        return pageRenderLinkSource.createPageRenderLinkWithContext(Show.class, 
beanType, bean);

    public String getListAllLinkMessage()
        return TynamoMessages.listAll(messages, beanType);

    public String getTitle()
        return TynamoMessages.edit(messages, beanType);



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