Short answer: no. It never was. That's what I still do and recommend for almost all cases. It is as dead as it was since the first Tapestry 5 alpha was released many years ago, which is not dead.

On Wed, 30 Oct 2013 05:04:56 -0200, Geoff Callender <> wrote:

* Invisible instrumentation (see * The Remove component (see
* The Content component.

But the obstacles have been growing and growing.

* These days a page is usually made from lots of complex components. None of these will be shown in the preview.

If you program the component right (basically, returning false in the beginRender() method, nothing in the body of the component will be rendered, so you can put anything you want there to make the page or component previewable.
boolean beginRender() {
        return false;

<div t:type="SomeComponent">
        Nothing inside here will be rendered by Tapestry, but will appear
        when the template is viewed directly on the browser.

If Tapestry-provided components don't do that yet, please file a JIRA so we can fix this.

* AJAX-busy pages are often made from lots of components that show at different times. None of this will be shown in the preview.

The Remove component is useful at this. That's exactly why I created it.

* Complex components are often made from other complex components. None of these will be shown in the preview.

Same as above.

* Tapestry's own BeanEdit, BeanDisplay, and Grid, all preview terribly. If you put in the work to make them preview-able then you might as well not use them.

The situation of their previewability is the same as it ever was. Besides Grid, they were created as scaffolding, as something to speed up development and probably be replaced by fields later.

* A field might be replaced at runtime by a PropertyEditor. This will not be shown in the preview.

Same as above.

* I have to keep the Remove-d stylesheet link in the TML file in line with the @Import-ed stylesheet in the Java.

Yep. Previewability isn't free.

* With T5.4, Form labels and fields emit Bootstrap classes at runtime. These will not be shown in the preview.

You can add the CSS classes in the template.

So, is it time to accept that preview-able TML is dead, drop the techniques above, and teach my web page designer to run the same development environment as me?

I'm not the one who should answer this question. Not my company. :)

Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo
Tapestry, Java and Hibernate consultant and developer

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