Good helpful responses, thanks, but I'm surprised how broad the range of 
opinions is! 

Thiago is passionately in favour of putting in the effort to be preview-able, 
while others feel that it's not worth the effort. Are there any more opinions 
out there?



On 30/10/2013, at 6:04 PM, Geoff Callender wrote:

> I'm trying so very hard to keep my templates "preview-able" but it's getting 
> oh-so-difficult. Is it time to stop trying and just get my web designer to 
> use the same development environment as me?
> When I say "preview-able template", I mean a template coded in such a way 
> that a web page designer can open it in a web browser or WYSIWYG editor for 
> "preview" and edit. The idea is that it looks close enough to the runtime 
> page to be useful, and easily editable.
> In the past, the techniques that have allowed this include:
> * Invisible instrumentation (see 
> * The Remove component (see 
> * The Content component.
> But the obstacles have been growing and growing.
> * These days a page is usually made from lots of complex components. None of 
> these will be shown in the preview.
> * AJAX-busy pages are often made from lots of components that show at 
> different times. None of this will be shown in the preview.
> * Complex components are often made from other complex components. None of 
> these will be shown in the preview.
> * Tapestry's own BeanEdit, BeanDisplay, and Grid, all preview terribly. If 
> you put in the work to make them preview-able then you might as well not use 
> them.
> * A field might be replaced at runtime by a PropertyEditor. This will not be 
> shown in the preview.
> * I have to keep the Remove-d stylesheet link in the TML file in line with 
> the @Import-ed stylesheet in the Java.
> * With T5.4, Form labels and fields emit Bootstrap classes at runtime. These 
> will not be shown in the preview.
> So, is it time to accept that preview-able TML is dead, drop the techniques 
> above, and teach my web page designer to run the same development environment 
> as me?
> Cheers,
> Geoff

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