Thanks. We'll explore that path.

The intention is to get rid of the servlet api dependency.  The
approach has been: take something that works, and make as few changes
as possible to get something else that works, then go from there.

Ultimately, we want tapestry-ioc-spring.  As a matter of fact, that's
what we are calling the project :-)

On Tue, Oct 21, 2014 at 9:37 PM, Lance Java <> wrote:
> The easiest way I can think of is to have an ApplicationContextProvider
> service which is defined by your tapestry module.
> eg:
> @UsesOrderedConfiguration(String.class)
> public interface ApplicationContextProvider {
> ApplicationContext getApplicationContext();
> }
> Then, in your custom SpringModuleDef you'll call
> ServiceBuilderResources.getService(ApplicationContextProvider.class) to get
> an ApplicationContext instance.
> You could then have use distributed configuration to define the app context
> files for the OrderedConfiguration.
> As I said earlier, I think this highlights a bigger problem that you need
> the servlet api on your classpath for a non-web app. Perhaps
> tapestry-spring needs to be split into tapestry-ioc-spring and
> tapestry-spring.

Jonathan Barker

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