Thanks Thiago,
I kept the formState="NONE" for the <select> properties.
I put formState="ITERATION" for the image loop which marks up editable images.
The issue persists... on the <select> controls... try it yourself and see
set tableColumns to 5 that works
set tableColumns to 4 fails (<select> punches back to 5 and gallery stays same) 
I am not sure what to think or do.
I will post the two four modules HOME.JAVA and GALLERY.JAVA to your email

Best regards 
and thanks... KEN
> To:;
> Subject: Re: formState="NONE" is it safe to use with persistent properties ?
> Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2015 12:06:44 -0200
> From:
> Sorry, I hit the Send key by mistake . . .
> On Fri, 30 Jan 2015 10:20:30 -0200, nhhockeyplayer nashua  
> <> wrote:
> > Folks,
> >
> > I got a Home Page with a Gallery component sitting on top.
> >
> > I am operating three loops
> >
> > 1. loop to render pagination links
> This one should have formState="NONE", as there's nothing to be edited  
> here.
> > 2. nested loop to render collection looping columns and rows
> This one shouldn't, as there's stuff to be edited inside them.
> This is the same problem you've reported before. We need to know the part  
> of the template that contains the loop plus the Java code related to it.  
> It's very probably a problem of of not using formState, which default to  
> VALUEs, which uses ValueEncoder to store the looped values. If you use  
> VALUES and hasn't provided a ValueEncoder for the type of the objects  
> being iterated. Tapestry will serialize the object. That's very probably  
> the cause of your problem. Use formState="ITERATION" of provide a  
> ValueEncoder that only uses the iterated object id.
> -- 
> Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo
> Tapestry, Java and Hibernate consultant and developer

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