Hi Thiago

I like 5.18. I am even happy with 5.9 because I think committing to producing new major releases in the javax branch sounds like a lot of work. If people want the features of a new release they can migrate to jakarta. It is not like they can avoid that migration for ever. If they don't like change they probably don't need the new features. Security patches for javax branch would still be required though.

Thanks for all your work derkoe. I am looking forward to seeing the results.



On 1/8/24 08:06, Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo wrote:
Hello, Tapestry community!

As already discussed, the Jakarta EE an javax.servlet versions of the
Servlet API have some differences that go beyond the package rename, but,
at the same time, the Tapestry team won't leave the javax.servlet users
behind. We'll have 2 different branches, master on Jakarta EE) and javax,
and we'll keep them in feature parity as much as possible (of course,
Jakarta EE is the living API, while javax.servlet is dead, so any future
Tapestry feature that depends on something Jakarta EE has but javax.servlet
doesn't won't be backported to the javax branch).

With the approach decided, we arrive at a problem similar to what same say
is the most difficult one in software development: naming things. Current
Tapestry is at version 5.8.6. What should be the version number for the
upcoming Jakarta EE-supporting version? I'd like to remind everyone that
the project itself is Tapestry 5, given it's a complete rewrite that shares
no code with Tapestry 4 and other previous versions, so, for example,
version 5.8.6 should actually be considered version 8.6 of Tapestry 5.

  The Tapestry team has come up with some suggestions:

* 5.50: Pros: 50 is a round number, half of 100, a lot larger than 8, so we
have a lot of room for new Tapestry major releases of the javax branch to
be 5.9.x, 5.10.x, etc. Con: no easy association between javax and Jakarta

* 5.19: Pros: 9 is the Jakarta EE version containing the Servlet API
version with the jakarta.servlet package used by Tapestry in the branch
that supports it. While it doesn't leave as much room for new major
releases of the javax branch, it does leave a good number. Con: no easy
association between javax and Jakarta version.

* 5.18: Pro: easy association between versions of javax and Jakarta
branches, which would be kept in a constant version difference. We could
even have the first Jakarta release to be 5.18.7 while the javax release
would be 5.8.7 (we're planning to release it in the upcoming weeks). Con:
less room for major releases.

* 5.28: Mostly same as above, but with larger room for major releases.

* 5.9: Pro: matches the Jakarta EE version. Cons: no room for major
releases at all. (Me, Thiago, really dislike this idea, but another
committer suggested it and really loves it, so here it is, hehehe).

* Something else you suggest (with rationale, please).

There's no perfect solution. All of them come with a bit of confusion. I
personally would go with either 5.18 or 5.28 and have the first release
being 5.18.7 or 5.28.7 to align with the upcoming 5.8.7 release.

I'm looking forward to your feedback.


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