can you port your application to linux where kill -quit given you
complete stacktrace? Unfortunately I don't know how to create full
stack trace under windows, but you'd need it definitely.

Have you tried the manager? It could show you the
servlets/actions/whatever which hangs. Probably you have a deadlock
somewhere, and you are running out of threads. Have you examined the
load on the machine?


On 10/18/05, David Boyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We're running Tomcat 5.0.28 with JDK 1.4.2_8 hosting a single commercial web 
> application on our web server which uses MySQL 4.0.26 running on another 
> server. Both servers are Windows 2003 Enterprise, 2x3.0GHz XEON, 4GB RAM. Our 
> Tomcat instance is dedicated to the commercial web app, and the MySQL 
> instance is hosting only that app's database.
> The web application is hanging every few days, and neither we nor the vendor 
> can figure out why. Restarting Tomcat is the only way to fix it. We've tried 
> all of the current stable versions of both MySQL and Tomcat, as well as JDK 5 
> (with Tomcat 5.5.x). The problem happens under each of them.
> I'm highly confident the problem is with the commercial web app; we have 
> other web applications running under other Tomcat instances on the same 
> server going against a variety of MySQL and MSSQL databases on our database 
> server, and none of them have any problems.
> If I generate a dump of the JVM using Ctrl-Break while running Tomcat as a 
> console app, what's the best resource for interpreting this? I suspect the 
> problem is a thread deadlock, or something similar.
> Any other suggestions are appreciated.
> Thanks!
> David Boyer

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