I have 2 web applications underneath Tomcat/webapps. some of the classes,
such as the lifecycle listeners for both projects, have exactly the same
package/class names. I kick off Tomcat from eclipse, and put a breakpoint in
the lifecycle listener for project2. Project1 loads first, and eclipse
breaks  at the breakpoint I set for the lifecycle listener -BUT, it breaks
at that brekpoint in project1's listener, not project2 where I set it?!?
When I continue execution, and project2's context loads, it breaks at
project1's listener again?!? - it never breaks at the breakpoint I set in
project2, it only breaks at project1's
so my first question is why is the above happening?

OK...So, correct me if I am wrong, but is this because the JVM can't load 2
classes with the same package/class name? If this is so, then why does
Tomcat not add the application context name to the package name so there is
not a naming conflict?

so my second question is, is there a way to have a class called "aaa.bbb" in
WEB-INF/classes of both project1 and project2 unerneath Tomcat/webapps, and
have Tomcat (and Eclipse) recognize them as separate classes?

John McClain
Senior Software Engineer
TCS Healthcare
"Skepticism is the first step toward truth"

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