
I've only just subscribed to the list to see if anyone may be able to assist with a 'blank page' problem. Research on Google, nor the various resources on the web or Tomcat site have assisted, so I thought I'd better consult the experts here to see if they can help.

You might want to try downloading Qilan (www.cgs.qilan.com:8080/qilan/ Qilanv3Download) and install it. Everything is put into one location, including Tomcat with our webapp. Run one of the examples and see if it loads properly. This should tell you if the problem is with Tomcat or one of the Java support files. Qilan is our product.

Another thought is to look at the Activity Monitor for the 'java' process. Inspect the process and check for open files and ports. This should tell you want has loaded and where it is being referenced.

Good luck,

Stephen Caine
CommonGround Softworks, Inc.

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