> From: Stephen Caine [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Subject: Re: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space 
> The key setting, "-XX:NewRatio=16" was the trick.  This is  
> the ratio allocation between 'perm' and 'eden' memory.

Sorry, but that's wrong.  It's the ratio between the size reserved for
newly allocated objects (New Generation) and that used for long-lived
objects (Tenured or Old Generation).  It has nothing to do with space
for Permanent Generation objects, which are primarily instances of
java.lang.Class.  Eden space is a portion of the NewGen space reserved
just for object creations; the rest of NewGen space is split into two
"survivor" spaces.  Normal objects migrate from Eden to survivor to
Tenured as a result of GC action.  GC of the PermGen area is largely
independent of GC activity on the other generations, other than using
references from normal objects (among other roots) to determine which
PermGen objects must be retained.

 - Chuck

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