On 1/28/06, Caldarale, Charles R <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > From: Leon Rosenberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Subject: Re: Multiple Tomcat-Instances problem
> >
> > Yes, but since CATALINA_HOME is used to define the classpath, both
> > instances would use same libs (bootstrap, logkit, etc). I think the
> > original poster wanted the apps to avoid using same libs.
> There isn't a "the classpath" in Tomcat.  CATALINA_BASE, not
> CATALINA_HOME, defines the path for the conf, logs, shared, webapps,
> work, and temp directories.  So the applications are distinct, but the
> same Tomcat code is used across all such instances - which is the intent
> of this mechanism.
tomcat is just a java program, therefore it runs in a VM. Each running
VM has a classpath,
how else would it now where to load the classes from (I'm not talking
about classes loaded  with a custom classloader later, I'm talking
about bootstrap etc).

I am probably totally wrong, but isn't the BASEDIR variable in
setclasspath.sh defined from CATALINA_HOME? Therefore, wouldn't two
instances with same CATALINA_HOME share the endorsed libs?

However, it probably has nothing to do with the original question of
this thread, so I better stop spamming :-)


> > Btw, how are multiple tomcats with same home affected by the known
> > bugs in tomcat according not releasing jars on reload?
> What known bugs in Tomcat itself?  The <Context> attributes
> antiJARLocking and antiResourceLocking must be used judiciously where
> needed.  I am aware of issues in certain frequently used packages that
> seem to hold references to classes and cause problems with running out
> of PermGen space on reloads.
>  - Chuck
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