That was the case in 4.1 yes, but it doesn't work with 5.5 on Windows
platform, because of the way the service is set up from the nsi scrip (that
you can read from tomcat source). I've written down a procedure to overcome
this and I will post it tomorrow (its on my laptop which I left at the
office tonight). I've tested it on live servers it works fine.

Ideally I hope the guys who write the windows deployer will one day allow
the installer to ask for
1) the name of the servive and not force it to Tomcat5 (whic is the main
2) use that service name for setting up the reg keys (and not use constants)
3) let the user choose the name of the Program menu it's copying the
shortucut to
If I have the time I will post a feature request on bugzilla...

Will definitively post my step-by-step procedure tomorrow

On 22/03/06, David Kerber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jim the Standing Bear wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >Is there a way to run two instances of tomcat 5.5 on the same machine?
> >Because me and a coworker were developing some webapps using the same
> node,
> >but under two different tomcat instances.  We just learned a painful
> lesson
> >that as soon as the second instance of tomcat is launched, the first one
> >dies.  Is there a way to get around the problem? Thank you.
> >
> >-- Jim
> >
> >
> >
> I'm running about 4 instances of tomcat on a single machine, so yes it's
> no problem.  But they need to all be listening on different ports, and
> might need to be supporting different contexts.
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