-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Thomas [mailto:ma...@apache.org] 

>Again, that class is not a Tomcat class. As far as I can tell, that is party 
>of Jetty's JSP/EL implementation. 
>Anyway, if you start adding JARs from one container into another then all 
>sorts of things can and will go wrong. I see no way to protect Tomcat against 


So you are saying that Tomcat should not be responsible for preventing app1 
from unintentionally loading a class from app2/WEB-INF/lib/[jetty-jsp-el].jar?

I thought that this was a contravention of Tomcat classloading rules. Is your 
point that the jetty jar is doing some "magic" to force its class into another 
apps classloader tree, and this sort of thing is actually allowable for an app 
using "container" jars?

If you could provide some more details on how one can intentionally inject your 
own classes into other apps for their use, that would be interesting, but it 
does sound like a bit of a security hole.

Note, I don't know very much about the technical details of classloaders, I am 
just trying to understand how something occurred which seems to be against how 
things are supposed to work.

P.S. The jetty jar actually appeared in app2 due to maven dependencies, it was 
not added as a direct dependency for app2.


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