On 10/23/2012 4:12 PM, Daniel Barcellos wrote:
Hi Chris,

you've said: "I think that you are trying to use this list incorrectly...".

Thank you for your patience in advising me how should I use this list. I'm
pretty sure you're right, but if I'm here that's because I'm not able to
find any good solution in the google's ocean.

I was wondering if based on your experience that is possible to setup my
enviroment since I was already faced some issues due to miss configuration
or even because my server just got hanged by consuming all it thread and so

Hi Christopher,

It's a chart solution that uses Primefaces componenet suit.

I was wondering that based in the fact that this app will have to handle
100 users over it. And I was wondering that since i'm not sure about the
hardware I have on the client side, I'd like to know
if there's a good setup like how many virtual memory do I need to use, how
many threads do I need to set... stuffs like that.

I'm pretty sure that someone on this list already faced some kind of
scenario and might share his knoledge...

Imagine this simple examplo... we used to develop app for Oracle forms that
runs over a oracle application server. If you need to install it you should
obey a big list of requirement
so that every thing under its control will run ok.
Now we need to use and deploy software over Tomcat that is basically a free
server. Where can I find those requirements? I'm not able to find them on
google because there's a lot of
specif case documents and posts...

The problem is that Tomcat is a far more general-purpose server than Oracle forms under Oracle. You can literally do pretty much ANYTHING under Tomcat that can be done in java. So benchmarking and server sizing requirements are highly application-specific.

For example, I support and maintain two major applications for my company. One of them is very simple and runs 600+ simultaneous clients under a single tomcat instance, and the server that it's on runs 8 separate tomcat instances, totaling over 2000 simultaneous users, and the CPU of all those instances combined never goes over 5 to 10% usage.

The other application never has more than 20 or so simultaneous users, but it is far more demanding, and routinely keeps the cpu trucking along at 20% or so during the busy times of the day.

So, once you get *your* application running, you're going to have to benchmark it yourself, because the server and resource requirements it needs probably have no resemblance to either of my applications. Once you have some data, come back to the list with specific questions and problems, and we'll be much more able to help you. It was people on this list that helped me get my simple app to be able to handle as much as it does...


2012/10/23 chris derham<ch...@derham.me.uk>

Today we're about to deploy a simple app that is basically a charts
solution that will run over Tomcat 7.X. Well till there everything is all
right. But since I'm not a heavy user of Tomcat I'm not so sure what
that be the best settup for my app for not have problems in a first sight
by a miss configuration.

This app will have 100 concurrent users and in terms of hardware I'm not
sure what they will give us.

Is that possible that you guys share some experience and minimal setup
to those above scenario?



I think that you are trying to use this list incorrectly. If everyone
that wanted to use tomcat emailed the list, none of the people who
answer questions on the list would be able to get any work done. They
are only answering the questions posted on this list in their own free
time. Nobody is paid to answer questions on this list.

The suggested approach to using tomcat (and open source software in
general) is

1) download, install, try it out
2) if you get an error, google for the error message. 99.99% of the
time, somebody else will have hit the problem and commented about it
3) if you can't fix it by yourself, ask the list

You seem to be asking "for this piece of software (that I won't tell
you anything about), how should I configure tomcat?" Nobody can answer
that question. We don't know the software - you haven't told us. We
don't know the hardware. We don't know the load.

Even if people did know the above, the answer is always to try your
suggested load using your hardware, and see what happens. The defaults
generally work very well in a broad range of situations. That's why
they are the defaults. Perhaps you will need to tweak some settings,
but you need to have a baseline, and method to test what effect each
change actually has.



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