Hi Guys,

You've been greate with your help! I knew that all replies will have useful 
even if some o you guys do not agree with my considarations nor if I could make 
myself understandable!

I think the two last answers can send me to the right direction!

So thanks again!!


Sent from my iPhone

On 23/10/2012, at 18:57, Mark Eggers <its_toas...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> On 10/23/2012 1:12 PM, Daniel Barcellos wrote:
>> Hi Chris,
>> you've said: "I think that you are trying to use this list incorrectly...".
>> Thank you for your patience in advising me how should I use this list. I'm
>> pretty sure you're right, but if I'm here that's because I'm not able to
>> find any good solution in the google's ocean.
>> I was wondering if based on your experience that is possible to setup my
>> enviroment since I was already faced some issues due to miss configuration
>> or even because my server just got hanged by consuming all it thread and so
>> on.
>> Hi Christopher,
>> It's a chart solution that uses Primefaces componenet suit.
>> I was wondering that based in the fact that this app will have to handle
>> 100 users over it. And I was wondering that since i'm not sure about the
>> hardware I have on the client side, I'd like to know
>> if there's a good setup like how many virtual memory do I need to use, how
>> many threads do I need to set... stuffs like that.
>> I'm pretty sure that someone on this list already faced some kind of
>> scenario and might share his knoledge...
>> Imagine this simple examplo... we used to develop app for Oracle forms that
>> runs over a oracle application server. If you need to install it you should
>> obey a big list of requirement
>> so that every thing under its control will run ok.
>> Now we need to use and deploy software over Tomcat that is basically a free
>> server. Where can I find those requirements? I'm not able to find them on
>> google because there's a lot of
>> specif case documents and posts...
>> Cheers,
>> 2012/10/23 chris derham <ch...@derham.me.uk>
>>>> Today we're about to deploy a simple app that is basically a charts
>>>> solution that will run over Tomcat 7.X. Well till there everything is all
>>>> right. But since I'm not a heavy user of Tomcat I'm not so sure what
>>> could
>>>> that be the best settup for my app for not have problems in a first sight
>>>> by a miss configuration.
>>>> This app will have 100 concurrent users and in terms of hardware I'm not
>>>> sure what they will give us.
>>>> Is that possible that you guys share some experience and minimal setup
>>> due
>>>> to those above scenario?
>>>> Thanks!!!
>>> Daniel,
>>> I think that you are trying to use this list incorrectly. If everyone
>>> that wanted to use tomcat emailed the list, none of the people who
>>> answer questions on the list would be able to get any work done. They
>>> are only answering the questions posted on this list in their own free
>>> time. Nobody is paid to answer questions on this list.
>>> The suggested approach to using tomcat (and open source software in
>>> general) is
>>> 1) download, install, try it out
>>> 2) if you get an error, google for the error message. 99.99% of the
>>> time, somebody else will have hit the problem and commented about it
>>> somewhere
>>> 3) if you can't fix it by yourself, ask the list
>>> You seem to be asking "for this piece of software (that I won't tell
>>> you anything about), how should I configure tomcat?" Nobody can answer
>>> that question. We don't know the software - you haven't told us. We
>>> don't know the hardware. We don't know the load.
>>> Even if people did know the above, the answer is always to try your
>>> suggested load using your hardware, and see what happens. The defaults
>>> generally work very well in a broad range of situations. That's why
>>> they are the defaults. Perhaps you will need to tweak some settings,
>>> but you need to have a baseline, and method to test what effect each
>>> change actually has.
>>> HTH
>>> Chris
> As many others have said, there is no magic bullet.
> OK,
> So now we know that you're running a Primefaces application (JSF widget set) 
> on Tomcat 7.x.
> We don't know if you're using JSF 1.1 or JSF 2 (and the corresponding version 
> of Primefaces).
> We don't know if you're using CDI with your Primefaces application (and if 
> so, then you are using JSF 2).
> If you are using CDI, then you'll need to include both the JBoss Weld Servlet 
> (or something similar) and an appropriate configuration in context.xml and 
> web.xml.
> I use Maven to build most of my applications these days, so here are the 
> snippets I use for JSF 2 with CDI on Tomcat 7.
> <!-- pom.xml dependency -->
> <dependency>
>    <groupId>org.jboss.weld.servlet</groupId>
>    <artifactId>weld-servlet</artifactId>
>    <version>1.1.9.Final</version>
> </dependency>
> <!-- Resource in context.xml in META-INF -->
> <Resource name="BeanManager"
>          auth="Container"
>          type="javax.enterprise.inject.spi.BeanManager"
>          factory="org.jboss.weld.resources.ManagerObjectFactory"/>
> <!-- listener in web.xml -->
> <listener>
>    <description>CDI listener</description>
>    <listener-class>
>        org.jboss.weld.environment.servlet.Listener
>    </listener-class>
> </listener>
> Tomcat 7 is a servlet container and is not required to provide CDI as per the 
> specifications.
> Now, we get to resource usage of your application.
> In my limited experience, I've found that JSF / Primefaces is a bit heavier 
> than just plain MVC style applications. Memory (heap, perm-gen) may need to 
> be increased.
> Then again, it may not need to be increased.
> The only way to know is to test your application. Set up a stock Tomcat (no 
> changes to the default configuration), and then test. Since Primefaces can 
> make heavy use of AJAX, a good testing platform is probably Selenium.
> First, depending on your platform, you may need to increase heap size.
> Second, depending on the number of classes you use, you may need to increase 
> permgen size.
> Once a tool like JConsole or VisualVM shows a stable memory pattern, then 
> it's time to tune Connectors.
> Look at the comparison of connectors found at:
> http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-7.0-doc/config/http.html#Connector_Comparison
> Pick one that matches your use case. I usually end up with APR/native, but 
> you may find that the NIO connector better suits your use case.
> Again, there is no magic configuration for an application. The defaults 
> supplied with Tomcat 7 provide a good start, but only testing will tell you 
> what's appropriate for your particular application.
> . . . . just my two cents
> /mde/
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