Ashkan Rahmani wrote:
Now I have a windows 2003 server and a Tomcat 6.x on it.
Our application has many many parts and it's very big.

Actually we are not happy with tomcat performance, (We are working very
hard on developing that software and improving
performance)  .
We want  to improve application performance (working on it now) and tomcat
(by tuning and we are doing now and using latest stable version) and
finally OS, for this we want to remove (damn) windows and come back to
centos 6 and maybe some hardware upgrade.
My question from you is: is here anyone have some experience with tomcat on
windows and Linux which running same things? which has better performance?


I am not a fan of Windows myself, for various reasons.

1) there is no reason, in principle, for Tomcat to be slower on Windows than on Linux, given comparable system resources. I believe that on this list, there are many people using Tomcat under Windows, with satisfactory results.

2) given that you are apparently having performance problems, the order of probability for where these problems are happening is :
  - 94% : your application
- 5% : a server misconfiguration, in the sense that you are not giving the Java JVM under which Tomcat is running, appropriate resources to run your application
  - 1% : all the other factors (including OS, hardware etc..)

3) nobody here knows your application. So it belongs to you to identify where you are having performance issues. If you have some specific questions about something which you think is strange behaviour in/by Tomcat, then come here with these specific questions.
Otherwise the help which anyone can provide is very limited.

4) "we are not happy with tomcat performance" and "We want to improve application performance" are phrases which do not mean anything by themselves (just like "it does not work"). If you come back here to ask for help, you should provide some specifics or hard figures. Otherwise, again, nobody will be able to help.

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