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On 10/31/12 4:32 PM, André Warnier wrote:
> Marko Asplund wrote:
>> Hi,
>> There are at least 3 different approaches for configuring Apache
>> httpd 2.2 to act as a reverse proxy for Tomcat 7.0:
>> a) mod_proxy_http b) mod_proxy_ajp c) mod_jk
>> There's been quite a lot of discussion about the differences of
>> each one but a lot of that discussion appears to be either not
>> very analytical or outdated.
>> What are the current differences and tradeoffs with using these 
>> alternatives?
>> Quite a few writers appear recommend mod_jk if performance and
>> HA features are critical. But Apache 2.2 mod_proxy supports some
>> load balancing and failover features through mod_proxy_balancer.
>> Also, mod_cache can be used to offload static resource serving
>> from the back-end to provide something similar to JkMount. Does
>> mod_jk still have a lead when it comes to these features?
>>> From a setup point of view, using mod_proxy_http/ajp is a lot
>>> simpler than
>> mod_jk because e.g. on a Linux system you can typically install
>> these using a system package manager. For mod_jk you need to
>> either have a compilation environment on your production system
>> (which the sysops don't like) or compile and package the module
>> on another machine with a compatible OS setup.
> Just a note to say that "on a Linux system" above is probably too
> broad a generalisation. To my knowledge, most Linux distributions
> offer a mod_jk package. RedHat doesn't, which is indeed a pain.

Often, they have insane dependencies (or used to). I seem to recall
one package manager wanting to install Java itself just for mod_jk.

I fired-up apt-get on my Debian Squeeze system and was delighted to
see this:

$ apt-cache show libapache2-mod-jk
Package: libapache2-mod-jk
Version: 1:1.2.30-1squeeze1
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.3), apache2.2-common, apache2
Suggests: tomcat6, libapache-mod-jk-doc

Unfortunately, like most Debian packages, it's hideously out of date
with the state-of-the art in terms of version numbers (1.2.30 is 2.5
years old). You can play games with backports and stuff like that, but
most people won't: they just stick to the release channel.

RedHat not providing a package for mod_jk is enormously frustrating.

- -chris
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