Chris Schultz wrote:

> On 10/31/12 3:55 PM, Marko Asplund wrote:
> > There are at least 3 different approaches for configuring Apache
> > httpd 2.2 to act as a reverse proxy for Tomcat 7.0:
> >
> > a) mod_proxy_http b) mod_proxy_ajp c) mod_jk
> >
> > ...
> > What are the current differences and tradeoffs with using these
> > alternatives?
> I recently updated YMMV.

Excellent, thanks!
I think this will be very useful information for people trying to decide
between these options.

> > Quite a few writers appear recommend mod_jk if performance and HA
> > features are critical. But Apache 2.2 mod_proxy supports some load
> > balancing and failover features through mod_proxy_balancer.
> mod_jk also supports lb and failover; just configured differently.

On different web resources an oft-cited advantage of mod_jk appeared to be
its lb and failover features, which was why I thought I'd mention mod_proxy
providing similar features.

> > Also, mod_cache can be used to offload static resource serving from
> > the back-end to provide something similar to JkMount.
> I suppose you are saying that they can be configured equivalently?

Yes, exactly.
Both provide a feature that allows you to serve static content without
invoking the backend.
This is achieved through mod_cache when using mod_proxy and with
the JkMount configuration parameter when using mod_jk by.


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