
Linux main 3.2.0-32
Tomcat 7.0.32
Java version "1.7.0_09"
(working through Eclipse Juno)

I've been assigned what should have been a pretty simple task, a jnlp launcher 
following a login to the web server.  I've implemented what seemed to me to be 
the simplest solution - form based login going through j_security_check, after 
which I pass the jsessionid through a .jnlp built on the fly.  This would pass 
the session to the Java Web Start and let me pass it as well to me 
application.  I was planning on having the application perform the login 
manually if it isn't given a working session on startup.  I'm not having a lot 
of luck.

I believe that I have the user login bit setup correct as I see the failed 
login when I enter the incorrect login.  When I enter a working name/password 
pair I get a 408 - timeout.  That goes away if I change web.xml:


to the cookie form:


After that everything works as expected, so it appears that the 408 is related 
to the URL tracking.  I've tried this with the internal browser in Eclipse as 
well as Firefox and get the same problem.  I'm guessing the j_security_check 
isn't redirecting with a rewritten URL and instead returns a timeout on a 
successful login.

If this is a known behaviour I have not been able to find anything after 
spending a lot of time in google (more people seem to be trying to get rid of 
the url rewrite), but since this is a new environment I may not have a grip of 
the appropriate tags to be searching.

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