

I am using a tomcat server on a Linux machine.
Is there any way I can run multiple instances of apached daemon process so that 
if daemon for environment A do not have access to files for environment B.
In short I want to run multiple daemon processes.

Hi. No offense but the way you are asking your question tends to suggest that you have a limited understanding of how this stuff works. Here are some pointers :

You seem to be talking about 2 different products :
1) Apache httpd : is a general purpose webserver, made by people who belong to the Apache httpd project (see : 2) Apache Tomcat : is also a webserver, but mainly a "java servlet container", designed primarily to run web applications written in java. It is made by other people who belong to the Apache Tomcat project (see :

(And see "" for what "Apache" really is).

Either one of Apache httpd or Apache tomcat can act as a webserver, serve static content and run web applications. They can also work in combination, with Apache httpd acting as a front-end to one or more Tomcat servers. If the client browsers always access the front-end Apache httpd server, and the front-end Apache httpd server then distributes the work to several back-end tomcat servers, this is called "proxying" and/or "load balancing". There are also other programs (or hardware boxes) that can act as "proxy" and/or "load-balancer".

In both cases (Apache httpd or tomcat), you /can/ run several instances on a same host. It is only a matter of configuration. Generally-speaking however, if the problem is that one instance is not enough to support the load that is put on it, multiplying the instances on the same host will not help. You will need either to improve your applications (so that they respond better), or use a bigger machine, or multiply the hosts and divide the load between them (using a load-balancing configuration).

If the question is about separating the documents or applications into several independent "domains", so that one "website" does not have access to the data of another website, then in both cases the solution may be to run one single instance, but use what is know as "virtual hosts" (where one instance responds to several hostnames, each having its own documents and applications).

So now, would you like to rephrase your question more precisely ?

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