There is a similar thread published a week ago.
It can be caused by almost anything, and my last suspect would be Tomcat it self.
Most of time, the cause is some programming error, like:
- missing step out of recursive loop
- loading too many objects is memory (for example, when using JPA where graph of objects are all connected - so, when you load one object, all database is read into memory)
- some deadlock in multi-threaded application...

How to discover:

1) Try to get a memory dump and check how your memory is being used
2) Get a heap dump (stack trace, as well) or currently running application when it is hang, and check for deadlocks
3) Use VisualVM to get a big picture of what the virtual machine is doing
4) Put the application running under profiler (like JRockit Mission Control, or NetBeans profiler)

These are some ideas...



Em 12/02/2013 15:27, Cool Techi escreveu:

We are using tomcat 6.0.26 on windows 2008 web server, with Jdk 1.6.32 
installed on the server.

  server seems to be running smoothly most of the time, but suddenly the
memory used goes very high and tomcat stops responding, the logs don't
show any out of memory or thread exceptions.

What could be causing this?


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