Em 05/03/2013 19:45, Konstantin Kolinko escreveu:
2013/3/5 Edson Richter <edsonrich...@hotmail.com>:
At ServletContextListener I've created, I do register a
PropertyEditorManager that is able to convert string into java.util.Date.
The registration code is:

   public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent sce) {
     System.err.println("Property editors: inicializando");
     PropertyEditorManager.registerEditor(Date.class, DateEditor.class);
     System.err.println("Property editors: registrados");

   public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent sce) {
     System.err.println("Property editors: iniciando remoção");
     PropertyEditorManager.registerEditor(Date.class, null);
     System.err.println("Property editors: desregistrados");

When I run the above code using Java 6 (more precisely, JRockit 6),
everything works fine.
When I run using JDK 7, I get the following exception (as if not

"type Exception report
message org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to convert string "" to
class "java.util.Date" for attribute "value": Property Editor not registered
with the PropertyEditorManager

description The server encountered an internal error that prevented it from
fulfilling this request.
javax.servlet.ServletException: org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to
convert string "" to class "java.util.Date" for attribute "value": Property
Editor not registered with the PropertyEditorManager

Has anyone experienced such error? Can you please help me?

Is it supposed to be a JVM-wide registration?

It is a App wide registration. It works as expected in JDK 6 (registered under AppContext), but not in JDK 7 (ThreadGroupContext). My (limited) understanding of the issue is that the context listener is running under different ThreadGroup than JSP pages.

Can anyone please point how to register a PropertyEditorManager to be able to work correctly with JSP in Tomcat under JDK 7 (once EOL of JDK 6 I'll be forced in near future to upgrade our servers - internal policy).

If so, you should not be doing it in a webapp. (It will break other
applications, cause PermGen memory leaks, etc.) Your editor
deregistration call will remove editor for any webapp there (e.g. for
the second copy of your own webapp if it is running at the same time).

E.g. Spring Framework uses its own registry, see

I don't think it would be feasible to implement my own PropertyEditorRegistrySupport because I don't know Tomcat internals enough to deal with how JSP pages look after PropertyEditors...



Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko

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