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On 3/12/13 6:58 AM, David Kumar wrote:
> We are using Apache 2.2.16 on Debian. Therefore MaxRequestWorkers
> is called MaxClients, isn't it?

That depends upon the MPM you are using. I have Debian-based systems
with both prefork and worker MPMs configured (separately).

> Currently it is set to 312. So if we have two tomcats with 200
> thread each MaxClients is to low? I either should reduce the Thread
> at the connector or increase MaxClients?

If you have MaxClients=312, then your Tomcat configuration should be
at least that big, even if you have two back-end Tomcats. What happens
if one of your Tomcats dies (or gets a 404 LOL)? All your traffic will
go to the other Tomcat: that means 312 connections to a single
back-end node.

So you either need to adjust your MaxClients/MaxRequestWorkers /down/
so that a single Tomcat can handle those connections, or you need to
increase your maxThreads on Tomcat to handle the potential client load
from httpd.

If you have multiple httpd instances, then you need to multiple
everything by N: MaxClients * N <= maxThreads. I would set maxThreads
to be a bit bigger, anyway, because then you can do nice things like
test to see if a Tomcat is available outside of httpd. You don't want
MaxClients == maxThreads and then not be able to ping your server due
to thread starvation.

Finally, if you have more than 8192 possible incoming connections from
all your httpd instances, you may have to adjust your maxConnections
setting (default is 8192 for APR and 10000 for NIO... default is
maxThreads for BIO which is the only thing that makes any sense at all).

- -chris
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