On 14/03/2013 21:17, Harris, Jeffrey E. wrote:
>>> http://tomcat.apache.org/connectors-doc/webserver_howto/apache.html
>> In the section that says it is specific to Tomcat 5.5.x only?
>> That doc could do with a refresh but the odds of something that is
>> specific to 5.5.x working on Tomcat 7 are slim to say the least.
>> auto-configure doesn't exist in Tomcat 7.
> There are many common features between Tomcat 5, 6, and 7.  How are we 
> supposed to know
> which ones are deprecated, unless the documentation is updated?  The text 
> says "this example is
> specific to Tomcat 5.x", not "this capability is not available after Tomcat 
> 5.x".
> (I note in passing that this page also still has references to Tomcat 3.x!)

Like I said, the doc needs a refresh.

I gave it a quick scan. References to httpd 1.3, Tomcat 3, Tomcat 4,
Tomcat 5, mod_jserv and auto-configure need to be removed and I don't
know how accurate the build instructions are but the bulk of it - the
directive information - looks fine.

I'd also note (as Rainer has mentioned numerous times on this list)
that the mod_jk sources include more extensive configuration examples
[1] that are probably a better starting point.


[1] http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/tomcat/jk/trunk/conf/

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