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On 3/18/13 12:03 PM, André Warnier wrote:
> Harris, Jeffrey E. wrote:
>> start "" "D:\Tomcat 7.0\bin\tomcat7w.exe" //MS//Tomcat7
>> See 
>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/154075/using-the-dos-start-command-with-parameters-passed-to-the-started-program
> Judging by that thread though, there appears to be as many
> different suggestions as people.. ;-) Windows's CMD shell has so
> many quirks in general, that it is really hard to figure out how it
> will handle a command-line.

Windows CMD.EXE basically does not handle the command-line: each
program handles it by itself, which is why quotes don't always work, etc.

I remember long ago trying to find out how to process wildcards on the
command-line from a C program, and the Borland C compiler actually
came with a library that you would just link-in and it would handle
the wildcard expansion in command-line parameters. It's colossally
stupid to have all client programs handle their own command-line
expansion, but that's what CMD.EXE and its predecessor COMMAND.COM
required. I believe it's a relic of having to operate in a very small
amount of RAM: not every program needs complicated wildcard expansion,
command-line parsing, etc. so the shell was made to be as slim as

> It`s almost worth installing a Windows bash port just to avoid it. 
> Not that I've ever tried it though.

It wouldn't help in this case, because you'd probably still want to
use the "start" program to launch your stuff. Using cygwin and &'ing a
process just means that you have to leave the shell sitting around to
avoid killing it. I'm not sure how a program like "nohup" actually
works on Windows, so I'm not convinced there's a good way to solve
David's problem -- using the "" trick is as good as any hack.

- -chris
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