Can one of the very knowledgeable developers that have been discussing memory 
leaks in the last few days (re: Possible false-postive with 
JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener and Tomcat's JDBC Pool and 
OracleTimeoutPollingThread) chime in on this Log4j 2 bug [1]?

Log4j 2 appears to be registering a shutdown hook that, I believe, will result 
in a memory leak in Tomcat. The JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener does not detect 
it (which might be a separate Tomcat bug, assuming I'm right that it's a memory 
leak). I don't know nearly as much about class loaders and memory leaks in a 
web application as some of the guys I've read talking on here the last few 
days, and it would be helpful for us to get the knowledgeable opinion of one or 
more Tomcat developers about how to solve this.




(Note: I don't normally post to both lists, but since the memory leak topic was 
occurring on the user's list, and I also wanted to get the attention of as many 
developers as possible, I made an exception this time.)

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