On Sep 26, 2013, at 6:02 PM, Christopher Schultz <
ch...@christopherschultz.net> wrote:


> Hash: SHA256


> Daniel,


> On 9/26/13 9:18 AM, Daniel Mikusa wrote:

>> On Sep 26, 2013, at 2:22 AM, Anu Prab <anupr...@gmail.com> wrote:


>>> I am using Tomcat version 7.


>> For future reference, please include the exact version of Tomcat you

>> are running.  There are 40+ different versions.


>>> Is it possible to update connection pool properties without

>>> restarting the Tomcat server?


>> Please also include specific details like which connection pool are

>> you using.  There are two included with Tomcat, DBCP and tomcat-jdbc.


>> To give a general answer to your question, you can update some of the

>> properties through JMX.  It'll depend on the version of Tomcat and

>> which pool you are using as to which properties you can update.

>> Try connecting with jconsole or jvisualvm w/MBeans plugin and see if

>> the properties you need are exposed and editable.


> While most properties are not immutable (e.g. you can change their

> values via JMX), changing them usually has no effect because the

> connection pool is not re-initialized when those values change.

Good point.  It's important to be realistic about what you can do at

> Perhaps Anu can give us a use case for when this kind of thing would

> be appropriate... what would you want to change during runtime in a

> stable system?

+1 definitely need more info here.



Sorry, please ignore my previous mail. My bad.

The Tomcat version I am using is 7.0.40 and the connection pool is

Well, one case would be to increase the maxActive property so that if I
want to increase this threshold limit, how do I do it?.


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