Dear all,

I submitted "Bug 55893 - Split AccessLogValve and extract the
formatting logic in an AbstractAccessLogValve".

If this split is accepted, I will then propose a SyslogAccessLogValve.


On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 5:41 PM, Cyrille Le Clerc
<> wrote:
> Hi Christopher,
> Changing the existing AccessLogValve to use a logger would have an impact on
> performances with the creation of intermediate String objects and keeping
> backward compatibility on the access logs files management (naming,
> rotation, ...) with a new "LogFactory.getLogger()" approach would require
> substantial efforts.
> Cyrille
> On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 2:56 PM, Christopher Schultz
> <> wrote:
>> Hash: SHA256
>> Cyrille,
>> On 12/12/13, 3:56 AM, Cyrille Le Clerc wrote:
>> > Hello Christopher,
>> >
>> > Delegating to log4j/logback/java.util.logging could be an option
>> > but it would still greatly benefit of a refactoring to split the
>> > existing AccessLogValve into an AbstractAccessLogValve with the
>> > formatting logic and an AccessLogValve that would keep the logic to
>> > write in the file.
>> >
>> > With this split, the <MyLoggingFramework>AccessLogValve would
>> > extend the AbstractAccessLogValve.
>> I'm not sure that's even necessary (since the current class could be
>> merely changed-over to use a logger directly), although the
>> AccessLogValve was designed to be "fast" which I believe it why it
>> does not use a "regular" logger but rather its own write-to-disk logger.
>> > Regarding the existing Syslog implementations in Log4j and Logback,
>> > they don't yet allow user to customise the syslog header fields but
>> > I plan to propose to contribute these enhancements.
>> Great!
>> > Finally, regarding the idea of injecting a logging framework jar in
>> > Tomcat classloader, I feel it makes things pretty difficult to
>> > understand with the risk of collision of the jars.
>> I'm not sure that's much of a problem. First, Tomcat uses
>> commons-logging and (modified) java.logging out of the box so they
>> don't need to be "added"... just the logger that knows how to contact
>> connect to syslog. Tomcat also supports using log4j which has a syslog
>> appender already in it.
>> > As a conclusion, I would be very happy to contribute to the Tomcat
>> > project either the full SyslogAccessLogValve or just the split of
>> > the existing AccessLogValve into an AbstractAccessLogValve with the
>> > formatting logic and a AccessLogValve with the logic to write in
>> > files.
>> I'll let others comment, of course.
>> - -chris
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