Howard W. Smith, Jr. wrote:
On Sun, Mar 30, 2014 at 9:54 PM, Caldarale, Charles R <> wrote:

From: Howard W. Smith, Jr. []
Subject: Re: timeout
- and if that is not the reason, then find the person responsible for
in-between equipment and ask them why their junk closes the connection
before your application has a chance to respond
'junk'? please clarify the usage of the word 'junk', here. :)
I think the definition "something of poor quality" would fit in this case,
if the poor quality were a result of configuring equipment without regard
to the requirements of the network users.

 - Chuck

understood, thanks Chuck. :)

Yes, what I meant precisely was thus : if after receiving numerous complaints from your users and your boss that your application is misbehaving; after an in-depth review of the Apache httpd and tomcat on-line documentation; after a level-headed discussion of the issue with a group of independent experts; after a thorough witnessed interview of a significant sample of the users to ascertain their professional behaviour in front of a browser and the absence of any problem with their mouse buttons; after a careful and time-consuming examination of all the evidence, including the access logs of both tomcat and httpd; if after all that thus you would come to the inescapable conclusion that it is the intermediate firewall/gateway that is the cause of all the trouble, then when you talk to the people responsible for that equipment, the word that might come to mind then, to qualify this equipment and its settings seen as a whole, is "junk".

Thank you for offering me the opportunity to clarify this section of my 
previous post.

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