
The video is embedded in a JWPlayer Javascript application.  The video is in 
the page too, but you need download it before watch it.

Summarizing, here the simulating process of watching the video:

User access the page              | Tomcat serve the page.
User clicks "play" button       | Tomcat send the video to the user (it is the 
same if the user download it)
User watches the video in the JWPlayer windows| The processing task of the 
video is in the local user machine - The interaction between the web 
application finishes after download the video.


Grupo Energisa
Danilo A. Oliveira
Analista Suporte Aplicacao TI - DPTO CORP. DE INFRAESTR. TI
e-mail: | tel: (32) 3429-6342 | cel: (32) 

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-----Mensagem original-----
De: Milo Hyson []
Enviada em: terça-feira, 1 de abril de 2014 15:52
Para: Tomcat Users List
Assunto: Re: Configuring limits of requests/sessions/threads in Tomcat

On Apr 1, 2014, at 11:03 AM, Danilo Amaral de Oliveira 
<> wrote:

> Next week we will deploy a institutional video to all company (more than 5k 
> users) in a webpage in an application manges by the Tomcat 7.0.40. I have 
> made a stress test through JMeter, simulating a lot of simultaneous access, 
> and when the simultaneous access reaches 100 users the application stop 
> answering.

Are you serving the video streams through Tomcat or just the pages that house 

- Milo Hyson
Chief Scientist
CyberLife Labs, Inc.

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