Hello Chritopher,

You make score. Exactly, I am waiting 500 users on the peak time. The archive 
is in a separated storage in our environment. So, I think that it is not a 
limiting factor. I will try some maxthreads configurations and stress 
situations to see if the server will could handle 500 users. If necessary I can 
increase the server memory and processing, we have robust cluster. Actually the 
server has 4 cores and 8gb of memory.

At the same time, I am analyzing with security team if we could liberate a 
specific video in youtube in order to instead use JWPlayer the site use an 
embedded youtube video, so I take off the responsibility of tomcat to deliver 
the video and I can sleep in peace. hahha

Thank you all!

Grupo Energisa
Danilo A. Oliveira
Analista Suporte Aplicacao TI - DPTO CORP. DE INFRAESTR. TI
e-mail: danilo.olive...@energisa.com.br | tel: (32) 3429-6342 | cel: (32) 

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-----Mensagem original-----
De: Christopher Schultz [mailto:ch...@christopherschultz.net]
Enviada em: terça-feira, 1 de abril de 2014 18:32
Para: Tomcat Users List
Assunto: Re: Configuring limits of requests/sessions/threads in Tomcat

Hash: SHA256


On 4/1/14, 2:03 PM, Danilo Amaral de Oliveira wrote:
> Next week we will deploy a institutional video to all company (more
> than 5k users) in a webpage in an application manges by the Tomcat
> 7.0.40. I have made a stress test through JMeter, simulating a lot of
> simultaneous access, and when the simultaneous access reaches
> 100 users the application stop answering.

What is your expected peak load? If you only need to handle 500 simultaneous 
users, then you should be fine.

> I would like to know if I can set a max number (80, for example) of
> requests (maxsession or threads, I dunno) in order to configure the
> tomcat to send a warning page advising the user that the server is
> loaded and try again in few minutes if the limits reach the maximum
> value.

You can change the size of Tomcat's request processing pool. That's either 
"maxConnections" on your <Connector> or, better yet, "maxThreads" in your 

If you set maxThreads="80", then the 100th request will wait in a queue. You 
may get request timeouts at this point, which will be equivalent to the 
100-user situation you describe above.

What you really need is a CDN so your servers don't even handle the requests at 
all. Is there a place where you can upload your file that will be more scalable 
and/or faster? Something like Amazon S3 maybe?

- -chris
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