Jeffrey Janner wrote:
-----Original Message-----
From: James H. H. Lampert []
Sent: Monday, September 15, 2014 7:11 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: WAR file deployment question

We have a rather large WAR file. 89,925,956 bytes. And we have cable
internet. With its usual extremely asymmetrical bandwidth: a download
pipe the size of an air conditioning duct, and an upload pipe the size
of an insulin needle.

Squirting this huge WAR file through such a narrow pipe takes over half
an hour. But our web and FTP servers are on a hosting service's server,
so they're not passing through the narrow pipe.

Can I, from Manager, deploy a WAR file that's sitting on a web or FTP
site, instead of on my local system?

James H. H. Lampert

The question becomes "How does the war file get to the Web/FTP site?" My supposition is from your local system through the same narrow pipe, so there is no real solution, you've just moved the delay to another step.
If that's not the case, then there are myriad ways.
The manager app only deploys war files in one of two ways: already on the 
server, or from the system running the browser.
So it sounds like some form of RDP is going to be necessary.

Alternatively :
- create a little program which will automatically transfer the WAR-file to the intended destination via SFTP - wrap this program, together with the original WAR file, in a "secret.war.exe" file, and leave it somewhere on your PC (preferably in a directory named "confidential")
- then just wait
Chances are that you PC already has a couple of virii or trojans running, and that file will be uploaded somewhere in no time at all. You won't even notice. And as soon as someone at the other end opens it, it will send the WAR file to the intended destination, using their bandwidth, which is guaranteed to be much wider than yours.
Problem solved.

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