Hello Christopher,

I don't have the server.key and server.crt. I have root access to server, I
can generate my own if necessary. I only have .crt and .ca-bundle file. Can
you tell me what to do. Thank you very much for your help.

On Mon, Nov 24, 2014 at 7:48 PM, Christopher Schultz <
ch...@christopherschultz.net> wrote:

> Hash: SHA256
> Niranjan,
> On 11/24/14 10:51 AM, Niranjan Babu Bommu wrote:
> > I think you have create a keystore from the cert, please follow
> > these instruction and ket me know.
> >
> > Create store with temporary key inside:
> >
> > keytool -genkey -alias <alias name> -keystore yourkeystore.jks
> > -storepass Hello1 Then delete existing entry:
> >
> > keytool -delete -alias temp -keystore yourkeystore.jks -storepass
> > Hello1 Now you've got empty store. You can check that it's empty:
> >
> > keytool -list -keystore yourkeystore.jks -storepass Hello1 Then
> > import your certificate to the store:
> >
> > keytool -import -alias <alias name>  -file cert_file.crt -keypass
> keypass
> > -keystore yourkeystore.jks -storepass Hello1
> Nope: the existing key *and* cert need to be imported simultaneously
> into the keystore. If the OP already has a cert, he's already got a
> key, too.
> The problem is that you probably started with OpenSSL to generate your
> keys and stuff. Here is the proper procedure to import your key,
> certificate, and CA bundle into a Java keystore.
> You'll need these files:
> server.key (this is your server's secret key)
> server.crt (this is your server's certificate, signed by the CA)
> ca.crt (this is your CA's certificate)
> Here is the incantation:
> $ openssl pkcs12 -export -in server.crt -inkey server.key \
>    -certfile ca.crt -out keystore.p12 -chain
> $ $JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore keystore.p12 \
>                          -srcstoretype pkcs12 \
>                          -destkeystore keystore.jks
> Now, use keystore.jks in Tomcat's server.xml.
> If you already had created your key and cert request using Java's
> 'keytool', then you can instead just import the signed certificate
> into your keystore:
> $ $JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -importcert -file server.crt \
>                          -keystore keystore.jks \
>                          -alias [alias]
> If you used an alias to create the certificate signing request (CSR),
> then use the same alias in the above command.
> - -chris
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> =IeMh
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