
>>> When emitting a URL onto a page for a client, the application needs to run 
>>> the URL through a call to HttpServletResponse.encodeURL(String) or 
>>> HttpServletResponse.encodeRedirectURL(String). These methods will add the 
>>> ";jsessionid=[id]" path parameter to the URL when the client does not 
>>> support cookies. In this way, session-tracking will still work.

You are "almost certainly" correct about the sessions and cookies.  :-)  I 
tried another experiment.  I logged into the app to get to the main page and 
obtain a session.  The images did not load.  FYI, I checked the links and they 
do *not* append ";jsessionid=[id]".  Then, I went to the address bar and 
requested one of the images that failed BUT appended ";jsessionid=[id]".  (I 
obtained the active session ID from a Tomcat log file.)  The image loaded!

>>>If the application isn't doing this for *every URL in the whole 
>>>application*, then sessions can be dropped and the user will have to 
>>>re-authenticate. If this is the case, you only have two options:
>>> 1. Re-enable cookies on your browser  2. Review the application and 
>>>fix every instance of a URL on a page (it's a huge job)

So the web application is *not* written correctly to handle when the client 
does not support cookies.  That is, it does not call HttpServletResponse 
.encodeURL or .encodeRedirectURL.  And wow, rewriting would be "a huge job".  

Cris Berneburg, Lead Software Engineer
CACI, IRMA Project, 703-679-5313

-----Original Message-----
From: Christopher Schultz []
Sent: Friday, December 12, 2014 2:36 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: tomcat on windows 2012 weirdness

Hash: SHA256


On 12/12/14 2:18 PM, Cris Berneburg - US wrote:
> Hi Chris
> Thanks for your replies.  I am somewhat new to Tomcat, only been using 
> it for 1 year, so some of the technical details are new to me.
>> Is it possible that you are not using URL-based session ids, and that 
>> your browser has cookies disabled via a policy?
> I will need to check URL-based session ids.  How do I check?

If your browser has cookies disabled, then all the links on the web pages in 
this web application should have a ";jsessionid=[id]" path parameter added to 
them. See below.

> Also, my browser does not have cookies disabled.

This is almost certainly the issue.

If your browser does not support cookies (Tomcat knows if you support cookies 
if you send a JSESSIONID cookie, but it can't tell if you send nothing), then 
the web application must fall-back to using URL-based session-tracking.

Unfortunately, this isn't entirely auto-magical: the web application needs to 
support it properly. Most 3rd-party web applications should already be doing 
things properly, but if you have an in-house application, it may not be written 

When emitting a URL onto a page for a client, the application needs to run the 
URL through a call to HttpServletResponse.encodeURL(String) or 
HttpServletResponse.encodeRedirectURL(String). These methods will add the 
";jsessionid=[id]" path parameter to the URL when the client does not support 
cookies. In this way, session-tracking will still work.

If the application isn't doing this for *every URL in the whole application*, 
then sessions can be dropped and the user will have to re-authenticate. If this 
is the case, you only have two options:

1. Re-enable cookies on your browser
2. Review the application and fix every instance of a URL on a page (it's a 
huge job)

>> Is the browser or the server (or both) on Windows 2012?
> The server is on Win 2012. It works OK when both the browser and 
> server are the same 2012 VM. I don't know if it works when both client 
> and server are both Win 2012 but different machines. I will be able to 
> check that soon. It does not work with different client OS version and 
> box than the server, but that may simply be coincidence.

It may be a cookie policy: if localhost is trusted, the cookie policy may 

>> Try using a protocol sniffer to see if the browser is sending a 
>> session id to the server, and if the server is responding with a 
>> session id either before or after login.
> Wow, that sounds intimidating - never done that before.  :-)

It's worth learning how to do. I think there's a plug-in for MSIE called 
IEHeaders (or something similar). Install that and you can watch the 
conversation between client and server -- even when TLS is being used.

Hope that helps,
- -chris

> -----Original Message----- From: Christopher Schultz 
> [] Sent: Thursday, December 11,
> 2014 1:35 PM To: Tomcat Users List Subject: Re: tomcat on windows
> 2012 weirdness
> Cris,
> On 12/11/14 12:41 PM, Christopher Schultz wrote:
>> Cris,
>> On 12/11/14 11:28 AM, Cris Berneburg - US wrote:
>>> I'm having trouble with my JSP web app using Tomcat 6 and 7 on 
>>> Windows Server 2012.
>>> The issue is that no matter what file I request in the browser URL, 
>>> it always returns the app welcome file, that is, the login page.
>>> Even when requesting an image.  The one exception is that after 
>>> logging in, the main menu page appears, but none of the graphics or 
>>> CSS files load.  Clicking on the app links, it just brings up the 
>>> welcome page again.  Checking the Tomcat log files, I see that 
>>> Tomcat is returning the welcome page instead of the files requested 
>>> in the main menu page.
>>> Using the Tomcat manager, I see that my application has a ridiculous 
>>> number of sessions, instead of just one.  I interpret that for every 
>>> single file requested, a new Tomcat session is being generated and 
>>> possibly invalidated.
>>> FYI, using the same setup on Windows Server 2003 and 2008 works 
>>> fine. Opening the same firewall ports on all three OS's has been 
>>> done. Even disabling the firewall on 2012 does not affect the issue 
>>> in any way. And to make things even weirder, accessing the 
>>> application from a browser on the server itself using localhost 
>>> works fine!
>>> I wonder if there is some mystery setting somewhere that is 
>>> crippling the app.  Got any suggestions?  Please help.
>>> Thanks!
>> Check two quick things:
>> 1. Do you have any security-constraints in WEB-INF/web.xml? If so, do 
>> they all make sense, and can users actually access those resources 
>> once logged-in (or at all)?
>> 2. Do you have any servlets in WEB-INF/web.xml mapped to "/"
>> other than the DefaultServlet (which should be configured by default 
>> so you shouldn't have to configure it yourself)?
> After re-reading your post, it's pretty clear that my initial 
> questions will be worthless and not help you.
> Is it possible that you are not using URL-based session ids, and that 
> your browser has cookies disabled via a policy? Is the browser or the 
> server (or both) on Windows 2012?
> Try using a protocol sniffer to see if the browser is sending a 
> session id to the server, and if the server is responding with a 
> session id either before or after login.
> -chris
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