2015-01-17 2:31 GMT+03:00 Chris Arnold <carn...@electrichendrix.com>:
> Current working setup:
> apache 2.2 using mod_jk to pass 443 requests to tomcat on 8443.
> We are migrating from SLES 11 SP3 to SLEs 12. On SLES 11 we use alfresco 
> 5.0.c which includes tomact 7.x i believe. SLES 11 has apache 2.2.10. SLES 12 
> has apache 2.4 and we use the same version of alfresco on SLES 12 (tomcat 
> 7.x). So i installed SLES 12, apache 2.4 and alfresco 5.0.c on a test server. 
> I then followed the upgrading guide for apache 2.2 to 2.4. I copied the 
> existing working config files from the alfresco tomact to the SLES 12 
> alfresco tomact. Restarted all apache/tomcat services and try to go to 
> https://share2.domain.tld.<https://share2.domain.tld./> Chrome reports Error 
> When i look at the apache log for that request, i dont see where the request 
> is even making it to apache or tomcat.

Try to request a static file from DocumentRoot directory.

If you cannot, then your HTTPS is not configured correctly. Get that
working first.

> Here is mod_jk:
> # simple configuration for apache (for AJP connector, modul mod_jk.so)
> <IfModule mod_jk.c>
>     JkWorkersFile /opt/alfresco/tomcat/workers.properties
>     JkLogFile /var/log/alfresco/mod_jk.log
>     JkShmFile /var/log/alfresco/shm
>     # Log level to be used by mod_jk
>     JkLogLevel error
>     # The following line prohibits users from directly accessing WEB-INF
>     <Location "/share/WEB-INF/">
>     #AllowOverride None
>     Require all denied
>     </Location>
>     #<Location "/servlets-examples/WEB-INF/">
>     #AllowOverride None
>     #deny from all
>     #</Location>
> </IfModule>
> Here is worker.properties:
> worker.list=jk-status
> worker.jk-status.type=status
> worker.jk-status.read_only=true
> worker.list=jk-manager
> worker.list=worker1
> worker.jk-manager.type=status
> worker.list=balancer

So, what is the value for "worker.list"?
You set the same "worker.list" property 4 times, but with different values.

> worker.balancer.type=lb
> worker.balancer.max_reply_timeouts=10
> worker.balancer.balance_workers=worker1
> worker.worker1.reference=worker.template
> worker.worker1.host=localhost
> worker.worker1.port=8009
> worker.worker1.activation=A
> worker.template.type=ajp13
> worker.template.socket_keepalive=true
> worker.template.connection_pool_minsize=0
> worker.template.connection_pool_timeout=600
> worker.template.reply_timeout=300000
> worker.template.recovery_options=3
> I have mod_jk loaded in apache. Can anyone identify where the issue is?

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