2015-02-26 19:28 GMT+03:00 Red <redhoo...@gmail.com>:
> Thank You all who responded;
> Did not want to waste your time, hence delayed response.
> To make sure no customization has been made on my end I have completely
> rebuilt system: Install OS (Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS) including reformat of
> all drives, selected tomcat7 and ssh server during install when asked.
> Run apt-get update and upgrade, rebooted, checked java -version, this
> time shows OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea 2.4.7)
> (7u55-2.4.7-1ubuntu1). So far this is out of the box setup.


> Created directory /var/lib/tomcat7/lib, as this directory is referenced
> in catalina properties as path for common loader
> (common.loader=${catalina.base}/lib,${catalina.base}/lib/*.jar,....) and
> placed odbc7.jar into it. Now I modify /etc/tomcat7/context.xml

The above is the answer to the question that Mark asked you in the
very first response on this thread.

You have edited the file that provides defaults. So *each* deployed
web application has its own copy of the connection pool.

> adding following:
>    <Resource  name="*******" auth="Container"
>               type="javax.sql.DataSource"
> driverClassName="oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver"
>               factory="org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.DataSourceFactory"
>               url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@//myserver:1521/myfqservicename"
>               username="******" password="********" maxActive="20"
> maxIdle="10" maxWait="-1"/>
> So to be clear, no application have been deployed (except what came with
> tomcat, ie 'ROOT"), and no user connected.  No errors in catalina.out.
> Now, time to check database connections:
> SQL>select machine, username, count (1) from v$session where machine =
> '**' group by machine, username;
> --------- ------------- ----------
> **         ********      50
> When I stop tomcat all connections are gone.   Now, above context
> setting (except factory=... which I just added) works fine in tomcat6,
> java6 environment, target database is the same.
> Could anyone sent me working pool definition for: Ubunutu 14, tomcat7,
> java7, oracle12c or 11gR2.  And, most importantly, is this reproducible?
> Thank you all again.
> Red

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