On 18/05/2015 12:07, Stephen Dawkins wrote:
> On Mon, May 18, 2015 at 12:00 PM, Mark Thomas <ma...@apache.org> wrote:

>> OK. Is Javamelody async aware? In particular I am wondering if it
>> correctly handles the case where Servlet.service() returns after
>> startAsync() but the app hasn't written any of / all of the response yet.
>> If javamelody is wrapping the response it is going to need to handle the
>> async case correctly.
> The documentation does say to add the relevant option to the web.xml
> if you require async-support.

OK. Lets assume that javamelody is designed to handle async correctly.

> Also, I've tested with the
> org.apache.catalina.connector.RECYCLE_FACADES=true option set, and the
> error still occurs.

Thanks. That rules out some possibilities for application error.

When you get two threads writing to the response, if would be useful to
know which of the following those threads are:
- the Tomcat thread that handled the original request
- the application thread that wrote the response
- the Tomcat thread that the application dispatched to once the async
  processing completed


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