Thanks again Chris,

I wasn't aware that I can look at the actual classes but I wasn't able to
find a precompiled version of RealmBase for tomcat 8.
The following is a link to the class of version 7 (which doesn't include
the CredentialHandler code):

When I try to view this file from my netbeans IDE (which is the correct
version), I get the compiled version. Do you know how I can view the file
that's not compiled?


On Thu, May 21, 2015 at 11:49 PM, Christopher Schultz <> wrote:

> Hash: SHA256
> Yuval,
> On 5/21/15 2:39 PM, Yuval Schwartz wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I have some follow-up questions to Chris' response below (in
> > blue).
> >
> > On Wed, May 20, 2015 at 5:53 PM, Christopher Schultz <
> >> wrote:
> >
> > Yuval,
> >
> > On 5/20/15 9:34 AM, Yuval Schwartz wrote:
> >>>> I believe I am running tomcat 8.0 (although when I call the
> >>>> getServerInfo() method of the implicit ServletContext Object
> >>>> It tells me that I am running on 7.54)
> >
> > Then you are not running Tomcat 8.0.x.
> >
> >>>> I configured my realm element in my context.xml file as
> >>>> follows (based on the howto guide:
> >>>>
> >
> > If you are running Tomcat 7, the Tomcat 8 users guide may give you
> > bad guidance. If you are intending to run Tomcat 8, you might want
> > to get that fixed, first.
> >
> >
> >> You are correct, I was running Tomcat 7, which doesn't use the
> >> same syntax for digesting from the command prompt (I think it
> >> doesn't have the options for salt, iterations, etc.). So I
> >> updated to tomcat 8.
> Correct: you'll need Tomcat 8 for the salting and iterative hashing.
> >>>> <Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.DataSourceRealm"
> >>>> debug="99"
> >
> > The "debug" attribute hasn't been supported for something like 10
> > years.
> >
> >>>> dataSourceName="jdbc/board" localDataSource="true"
> >>>> userTable="test_user" userNameCol="Email"
> >>>> userCredCol="HashedPassword" userRoleTable="test_user_role"
> >>>> roleNameCol="Role">
> >>>>
> >>>> <CredentialHandler
> >>>> className="MessageDigestCredentialHandler" algorithm="SHA-1"
> >>>> iterations="1000" saltLength="48"/>
> >
> > Oh, good: someone is using the CredentialHandler to improve their
> > security. You might want to:
> >
> > 1. Switch to a larger hash, like SHA-256 2. Find out how much time
> > it takes to do 1000 SHA-1 (or SHA-256) hashes on your server. You
> > want the hashing to take more than a trivial amount of time. Our
> > services currently use more than 10k iterations of SHA-256. This
> > makes brute-forcing our password database very time consuming for
> > an attacker, if they were to capture the database itself.
> >
> >>>> </Realm>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> However, despite the password being stored in the format
> >>>> described in your "how to" manual
> >>>> (ie:{salt}${iterations}${password}), authentication fails. I
> >>>> assume that this is because something in my <Realm>
> >>>> configuration is wrong.
> >
> > Tomcat can generate a hash for you from the command-line:
> >
> > $ ./bin/ -a SHA-256 -i 1000 -s 48 'test'
> > test:04d9deb5f6f1f206c7139a28806e7ebde8f444018e0191168f8d00291d6e8719c
> d2
> >
> >
> 5cc82eca073f9a925c005aadf238b$1000$22cb9257949205ffbff01088b46137cf768dc
> > 67a0faca26f48269ca9250d4d9b
> >
> > Let's take-apart that credential to see what's in there:
> >
> > hash:
> >
> >
> >> Don't you mean "salt" above, instead of "hash:"?
> Yes.
> > 04d9deb5 f6f1f206 c7139a28 806e7ebd e8f44401 8e019116 8f8d0029
> > 1d6e8719 cd25cc82 eca073f9 a925c005 aadf238b
> >
> > That's 48 bytes (96 characters) of data.
> >
> > iteration count: 1000 (easy)
> >
> > fingerprint: 22cb9257 949205ff bff01088 b46137cf 768dc67a 0faca26f
> > 48269ca9 250d4d9b
> >
> > That's 32 bytes (64 characters) of data. SHA-1 produces 32-byte
> > output, so this looks good on the face of it.
> >
> >
> >> I think you mean "SHA-256" here, right?
> Yes, sorry. SHA-256 produces a 256-bit hash, which is 32 8-bit bytes.
> >> Yes, it looks correct. My issue is that I would like to run this
> >> "digest" from a servlet. How would I do that? I need to run it
> >> from a servlet because I need to enter it into my database (in
> >> the format {salt}${iterations}${passowrd}).
> Take a look at RealmBase to see how it does it.
> >> Should I even be doing it this way? This relates to my previous
> >> comment: Is there no way to call the same digest function that we
> >> ran from the command line, in a servlet?
> Sure. Look at how RealmBase does it.
> >> Indeed there is a digest method as part of the RealmBase API, I
> >> just don't know how to get an instance of the RealmBase Object
> >> from the servlet.
> Create a new one and fill it with the information you know about how
> you want to store passwords?
> >> I looked at the RealmBase class:
> >
> >>
> m/RealmBase.html
> >
> >>  I couldn't find where it mentions how to initially generate the
> >> stored credential. Could you give me a little more direction as
> >> to where I should look?
> You need to read the code, not look at the API. RealmBase just
> instantiates an instance of a CredentialHandler, configures it, and
> then calls its methods. Take a look at RealmBase's main() method.
> There's a lot of junk in there to handle handlers whose classes and
> methods are not known, but it boils down to:
> 1. Calling a constructor
> 2. Calling set[Stuff] several times
> 3. Calling a method that accepts the cleartext credential and produces
> an array of hashed bytes.
> You will have to manually assemble the {salt}${iterations}${hash}
> string, which should be trivial at that point.
> - -chris
> Version: GnuPG v2
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> =wfoh
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