Hello Chris,

Thanks once again.

I can currently initialize a MessageDigestCredentialHandler object with my
desired salt, iteration and algorithm parameters and then call the
handler's mutate() method before inserting the password into my database.

And, from a servlet, the HttpServletRequest Object's login() (for example)
method works when inputting the user_name and plain text password.

However, I am still struggling to create my database input
({salt}:{iterations}:{hash}) without inputting my desired parameter
(iterations, saltLength, etc.) to a MessageDigestCredentialHandler, but
rather by getting these parameters (or the CredentialHandler itself) from
the servlet.
Without being able to do this, I don't see the purpose of specifying these
parameters in the nested <CredentialHandler> element within the <Realm>
element of the context.xml file (these parameters are retrieved from the
"storedCredential" when authenticating meaning they're not used when a
method such as request.login() is performed).

The way my code is now there is no purpose to specifying saltLength and
iterations in the context.xml file.


On Fri, May 22, 2015 at 8:17 PM, Christopher Schultz <
ch...@christopherschultz.net> wrote:

> Hash: SHA256
> Yuval,
> On 5/22/15 9:54 AM, Yuval Schwartz wrote:
> > I wasn't aware that I can look at the actual classes but I wasn't
> > able to find a precompiled version of RealmBase for tomcat 8.
> You mean you didn't know you could look at the source code for Tomcat?
> It's open-source software, like like everything else at the Apache
> Software Foundation. Here's a link directly into the Subversion
> repository for the RealmBase code:
> http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/tomcat/tc8.0.x/trunk/java/org/apache/catali
> na/realm/RealmBase.java?view=markup
> You can also pull the whole source tree from Subversion, or download a
> source distribution:
> http://tomcat.apache.org/download-80.cgi#Source_Code_Distributions
> > The following is a link to the class of version 7 (which doesn't
> > include the CredentialHandler code):
> > http://grepcode.com/file/repository.springsource.com/org.apache.catali
> na/com.springsource.org.apache.catalina/7.0.26/org/apache/catalina/realm
> /RealmBase
> Looking
> >
> at Tomcat 7 won't help, as you said: the CredentialHandler
> code is not in there.
> > When I try to view this file from my netbeans IDE (which is the
> > correct version), I get the compiled version. Do you know how I can
> > view the file that's not compiled?
> See above. This is the beauty of open source software :)
> - -chris
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