Is there any way I can tell the user that what number of login attempt he
is on ? While using the LockOutRealm any way to display his login attempt
on an html or jsp page ?

On Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 7:31 PM, Christopher Schultz <> wrote:

> Hash: SHA256
> Sreyan,
> On 8/23/15 2:54 PM, Sreyan Chakravarty wrote:
> > I am confused with the functioning of LockOutRealms in Tomcat.
> >
> > My questions are as follows-:
> >
> >
> > 1. Say user at IP has reached the maximum number of
> > invalid login attempts and is locked out. Now say a user from
> > attempts to login, will Tomcat stop him too since he is
> > trying to login for the first time ? If not then how does Tomcat
> > keep track of users that are locked out ? Via there IP's ?
> If you look at the code [1], you'll see that users are identified by
> username (or "identifier) and no other factors. So, if you get
> locked-out from, you will also be locked-out from
> However, the lock-out information is not shared amongst
> cluster members, so the LockOutRealm really only protects a single
> member of a cluster.
> If you need "proper" user-locking, you'll want to mark the user as
> locked-out in a database or something. You could do that by extending
> LockOutRealm and taking some other action (such as marking a user as
> locked in a db) after the registerAuthFailure method completes.
> > 2. When a user is locked out what message is displayed ? Can I
> > display a custom HTML page when a user has been locked out ? In
> > other words how much control do I have over the lock out process
> > and what error messages are shown ?
> It depends upon the type of authenticator you are using. If you use
> the BasicAuthenticator or DigestAuthenticator, you'll get a 401
> response, and you can customize what page gets returned with a 401. If
> you use a FormAuthenticator, you can customize the form-error-page. If
> you are using an x509Authenticator, you cannot customize anything
> since the failure occurs at the SSL handshake level.
> In any case, there does not appear to be a way to tell that the user
> failed due to too-many-authentication-failures. You could request such
> as feature, but I would personally think nobody would want to
> implement it... you don't want to leak-out any information about the
> authentication process if you don't have to. Failed login = failed
> login, without further clarification. For a truly secure system, the
> LockOutRealm should also probably waste some time when a locked-out
> user is found, to simulate the amount of time it takes to
> properly-authenticate the user and then fail.
> Hope that helps,
> - -chris
> [1]
> /
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> =8IkU
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