First of all I did read the Servlet Spec, it provided no hint as to what I
was doing wrong.

So you are saying that I can't have a login form on the page when the
welcome page ? Why not ? Tons of site have just that, like Twitter and
Facebook. It seems weird why I can't have it on my welcome page.

And wait a minute. You are telling me that I have to first point my web
browser to /teacher/success.jsp and then when I get the login page and
login  ?

What can't I do the following-:

First login from the login page and then go to success.jsp ?

Why do I have to first hit an auth error and then be redirected back to
login and then provide my user/pass combo ?

So how do you code a login module ? Where I can login first and then go to
my resources ?

This is indeed weird.

On Mon, Aug 31, 2015 at 10:55 PM, Christopher Schultz <> wrote:

> Hash: SHA256
> Sreyan,
> On 8/31/15 12:34 PM, Sreyan Chakravarty wrote:
> > Wait I am sure I am going wrong in a fundamental area.
> >
> > My security constraint is as follow-:
> >
> > <security-constraint> <web-resource-collection>
> > <web-resource-name>TECHERS</web-resource-name>
> > <url-pattern>/teacher/success.jsp</url-pattern>
> > <http-method>GET</http-method> <http-method>POST</http-method>
> > </web-resource-collection>
> >
> > <auth-constraint> <role-name>TEACHER</role-name>
> > </auth-constraint> </security-constraint>
> >
> > <login-config> <auth-method>FORM</auth-method> <form-login-config>
> > <form-login-page>/index.jsp</form-login-page>
> > <form-error-page>/index.jsp?error=true</form-error-page>
> > </form-login-config> </login-config>
> >
> > <security-role> <role-name>TEACHER</role-name> </security-role>
> >
> > Now let me tell you what I understand from this-:
> >
> >
> > - The <web-resource-collection> /teacher/success.jsp is protected
> > via a FORM login page that is index.jsp - Therefore the page after
> > login which the user will land to is /teacher/success.jsp. I don't
> > need to specify that elsewhere. - <form-login-page> element
> > designates the login page. - <form-error-page> element designates
> > the page to go to if login has failed.
> >
> > This is my understanding of the whole process. Please don't tell me
> > that I have to put <form-login-page> as /teacher/success.jsp. If so
> > then where do I designate the login page ?
> >
> > Forgive my noobishness. Just starting out with servlet security.
> With your above configuration, you have to point your web browser at
> https://yourhost/teacher/success.jsp
> This will cause Tomcat to send you to the login page, and you can ener
> your username and password. Once you enter the right username and
> password, Tomcat will actually send you to /teacher/success.jsp
> You really should read the Servlet Spec's section on authentication.
> In fact, read the whole spec. It's quite readable and if you are going
> to be writing web applications, you really ought to have read it.
> - -chris
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> =5ou+
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