Ok I found FormAuthenticator and landingPage attribute in it in the source.
But how do I use that in my application ? What do I do ?

Any documentation for this ?

On Tue, Sep 1, 2015 at 12:46 AM, Sreyan Chakravarty <
sreyan.mail...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Well Christopher thanks for that eye opener. I didn't know that the specs
> were so inconsistent.
> Okay now regarding your comment-:
> "Servlet 3.0 added the HttpServletRequest.login() method would improved
> the situation greatly: you can implement your own login handler that
> plugs-into the authentication services of the container. It's just
> that the container doesn't handle any redirection to a login page
> (none is required) or credential capturing (easily done with a servlet)."
> How do you implement your own login handler and how do you plug that into
> Tomcat Auth services. Can you provide some info as to how I would do that ?
> And what is the extension to FORM Authenticator that Mark is talking about
> ?
> Also correct me if I am wrong, then the page that I use to login and the
> page that will contain j_security_check as an action must be two different
> pages.
> Also can I have two <login-config> elements in my web.xml ?
> On Mon, Aug 31, 2015 at 11:19 PM, Christopher Schultz <
> ch...@christopherschultz.net> wrote:
>> Hash: SHA256
>> Sreyan,
>> On 8/31/15 1:39 PM, Sreyan Chakravarty wrote:
>> > First of all I did read the Servlet Spec, it provided no hint as to
>> > what I was doing wrong.
>> >
>> > So you are saying that I can't have a login form on the page when
>> > the welcome page ? Why not ? Tons of site have just that, like
>> > Twitter and Facebook. It seems weird why I can't have it on my
>> > welcome page.
>> Oh, you can do it, but you'll have to implement it yourself. Go
>> re-read the spec's section on how FORM authentication works. Note that
>> you are required to attempt to access a protected page before being
>> asked for authentication. I think it's a big hole in the spec that
>> should be filled, but anything Tomcat would do for you here is, by
>> definition, out-of-spec.
>> > And wait a minute. You are telling me that I have to first point my
>> > web browser to /teacher/success.jsp and then when I get the login
>> > page and login  ?
>> Yes.
>> > What can't I do the following-:
>> >
>> > First login from the login page and then go to success.jsp?
>> You sure can do that, but you can't use j_security_check as yourPOST
>> target. Instead, you have to write your own Servlet and then
>> (probably) call HttpServletRequest.login() from there, then redirect
>> the user to wherever you want them to go.
>> > Why do I have to first hit an auth error and then be redirected
>> > back to login and then provide my user/pass combo ?
>> This is spec-defined behavior.
>> > So how do you code a login module ? Where I can login first and
>> > then go to my resources ?
>> What's a "login module"?
>> > This is indeed weird.
>> It's a (giant, gaping) hole in the spec. Inconvenient, maybe. But
>> certainly not weird.
>> Servlet 3.0 added the HttpServletRequest.login() method would improved
>> the situation greatly: you can implement your own login handler that
>> plugs-into the authentication services of the container. It's just
>> that the container doesn't handle any redirection to a login page
>> (none is required) or credential capturing (easily done with a servlet).
>> Really the only thing the servlet spec is missing is a setting in
>> <form-login> like <default-landing-page> or something like that, so
>> that if you try to login with j_security_check and you hadn't already
>> requested a protected resource, the container knows where to send the
>> user after authentication.
>> - -chris
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