I'm seeing an unusual behavior change going from 7.0.65 -> 7.0.67. I've confirmed this also working under 7.0.55 and not working under 7.0.67 on a different machine.

The sequence is:

GET /A.html
POST /A.html <- Returns /A.html
POST /A.html <- Redirects to B.html (tried /B.html and it doesn't work either)

on 7.0.65, things work as as expected.

on 7.0.67, the final post returns a 404, not found error.

I'm using CATALINA_BASE/CATALINA_HOME and the configuration is not changed.

Is this change in behavior expected? If the behavior is expected, could someone elaborate on what I'm doing wrong, and what I should be doing?

I've got a TCPDUMP capture I can share if someone would like to see it.

George Sexton
*MH Software, Inc.*
Voice: 303 438 9585

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