
On 2/12/16, 5:27 PM, "Christopher Schultz" <>

>On 2/12/16 4:19 PM, Dougherty, Gregory T., M.S. wrote:
>> On 2/12/16, 3:08 PM, "Leo Donahue" <> wrote:
>>> On Feb 12, 2016 2:58 PM, "Dougherty, Gregory T., M.S." <
>>>> wrote:
>> My definition of ³secure² includes ³there exist no files with an
>> unencrypted copy of the password².
>Do you mean "no files at all" or "no files in revision-control"?
>Again, you have to decide whether you trust your administrators.

No files at all.

Even if I did trust my administrators, they don’t want the task of having
to update the passwords every six months.

>> How does the data source know that this web app, unlike every
>> other web app in existence, is allowed to access the data source?
>The container allows you to map data sources to web applications. Use
>that facility. And trust your administrators.

This sounds like something I can use to uniquely identify which app is
running, no?
Can my code ask Tomcat for the DataSource the container assigns to the web
app, that instead of returning a password, simply returns the name of the

>> For that matter, how do I set up the data source (whose every
>> element is checked into the source code control system that a
>> malicious user may have access to) so that it knows the passwords
>> of interest?
>Why would you check the data source configuration into the
>revision-control system? It's not necessary to do that. Do you check
>Tomcat's server.xml into revision control?

Are you going to have your data source configuration sitting on only one
user’s personal computer?  What happens when that person is on vacation?
Sick?  Has a hard drive crash?

>If you free yourself from the idea that everything needs to be in one
>big revision-control system, it makes things easier. Everybody does
>their job: the devs write the software, the admins deploy it. The
>admins have the keys to the kingdom (they always do; don't fight it)
>and the devs have keys to nothing.

I don’t get a vote on that one.

>Of course, the devs are writing the software, so if you are truly
>paranoid, you need to make sure that the devs aren't stealing secrets
>from the admins when the app runs ;)

I am truly paranoid, that’s why I want an unambiguous way to figure out
what app is running.  That way the only data they can “steal” is their own

>- -chris

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